Thursday, 24 May 2012

The Flower Dress

I had a photoshoot the other day with my friend Stefania Papayianni. The make-up was also done by her. The idea for this photoshoot was inspired by my mother's old dress, which i am wearing in this shoot. I had the idea in my mind since last summer and i finally got around to doing it this year. My aim was to make the photos look very atmospherical and create a sense of calmness. It was challenging to walk inside the field as the hay was very long, but I believe it was worth it in the long run. Here are some of the photos:

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Photoshoot with Melissa

A few days ago I assisted Melissa Sacco, who needed help taking some photographs for an idea she had about turning herself into a real-life cartoon character. I had a lot of fun capturing the process and experimenting with different lighting. I would like to collaborate with Melissa again and try to create paintings based on these photographs in the future. I feel like I can relate to her work since we share the same passion for comics, manga and anime:) More information about the concept behind her work can be found on her blog: Here are some of the photographs:
Here I used a similar approach to my past photo manipulations(the ones with my ball-jointed doll), but this time using my own face. I want to depict the confusion and frustration people go through while trying to find their path in life. The photographs were taken by Stefania Papayianni and I editted them on Photoshop CS4.

Stop-motion animation

Some time ago, I made a figure out of clay. My initial plan was to cast it out of resin and use it to make a ball-jointed doll. The head turned out much larger than the body so I disposed of the body and just decided to work on the head. When I finished it, I made a mold, but never got around to casting it. Luckily, the sculpture was still intact when i removed it from the mold so I decided to experiment with it by creating this short stop-motion animation.